Cumberland, MD Boudoir Photographer | Boudoir by Natasha Anne


Cumberland, MD Boudoir Photographer

About the Studio

Boudoir by Natasha Anne is a boudoir studio for all women in Cumberland, MD and the surrounding areas. This is a place where we come together to love ourselves deeper, feel alive, and go to the edge of our comfort zone.


Premier Cumberland, MD Boudoir Studio

Real boudoir for Real Women

Our clients are everyday women, just like you. Scared to indulge in themselves. Looking for a way to heal from trauma, postpartum, and more. Afraid of getting out of their comfort zone. When you step into our studio, our team will make you look and feel like the goddess you already are. All you have to do is show up. We'll take care of the rest.

“Natasha captured a confidence in me I rarely get to see.”

“I felt super freaking hot as hell. And once I saw the sample album, I knew I had to have one.”

- Allison

“I knew that this was an opportunity that I would regret not taking.”

- Carrie

“I look stunning. I love that she made me see myself the way others see me.”

- Visell


The Next Steps

How to Get Started



Free 15 minute phone consultation. Let's connect, hear your goals, and talk about all the details of your healing luxury boudoir experience.

BOOK the Date

It's never too early to book your spot! Most clients book 2-4 months in advance! Sessions are full-day and start at 9am and end around 5pm Sundays-Wednesdays.


Enjoy every minute of your personalized healing boudoir experience. Unlimited outfits, pro hair and makeup, and luxury products that capture your confidence forever.