All bodies are beach bodies! Help me inspire more women to embrace their natural beauty! Raw and honest.

Be a part of the NEXT EVERY BODY IS A BEACH BODY photo shoot!!


Where: Cheat Lake Park Morgans Run Road, Morgantown, WV 26508 at the Cheat Lake Park Parking


P.S. Save the studio number and text it if you have any trouble finding us 304-244-2645
Type into your GPS!:
We will meet in this parking lot at 6pm! Please text me if you have any questions beforehand!

When: August 16 at 6pm

Join us for 1-2 GROUP IMAGES wearing a swimsuit (no makeup or hair needed) Let’s celebrate our own bodies!

I am looking for:

Who: Women 21+ (skinny, curvy, with tattoos, with mummy tummies, with wrinkles and stretch marks, with cellulite and smooth skin, tall and short, with freckles, with scars, in all possible colors...)

What to wear: MUST BE BLACK bikini /swimsuit /burkini


Meet Natasha!

Hi! I’m Natasha! The owner of Boudoir by Natasha Anne. I’m a wife, friend, and body image activist who has struggled with her own body image since she was 12 years old. I have continuously struggled with stretch marks and tummy rolls and know intimately the journey to body-love and body-confidence (still working on it every day!)

Therefore, I made it my mission at Boudoir by Natasha Anne to help women not only feel pampered, but more importantly SEEN. My goal for every client is that they SEE themselves like their loved ones see them!


Join me in this revolution of body confidence! Join me in seeing yourself as the beautiful and sexy woman you are, now, in this moment!